Tuesday, March 18
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM - Eastern Time (US & Canada)
300 N Ohio Ave
Clarksburg, WV 26301
This program will take new HVAC professionals from the service panel into the furnace through the door
switch to the transformer then the thermostat and back to the control board then out to the contactor.
Students should bring their own multi-meter. They will learn how to use it.
During this early morning class your employees will get hands on meter readings giving them experience
on 24 volt, 115 volt, and 230 volt circuits.
They will learn how to determine if the correct power is present and whether the ground is correct.
This is a short program with focus on understanding proper electrical supply and nothing more.
The program will commence early morning 8am sharp when your employees are their freshest.
The program will conclude by 9:30am allowing them time to get to their job assignments for the rest of
their day.
Click the link to register
Attendees must cancel by 12 noon on the day of the class or they will be billed.